Bachmann 31-591A Class 70 811 Colas Rail Freight Loco

Original price was: £249.95.Current price is: £212.45.

Product Description

OO Gauge Bachmann Bachmann 31-591A Class 70 811 With Air Intake Modification Colas Rail Freight Loco Brand new model from our new Yorkshire model railway shop

  • The Class 70 Diesel Locomotive returns to the BachmannBranchline range in the stunning yellow, orange and black colour scheme ofColas Rail Freight. Carrying the running number 70811, this locomotive sportsthe air intake modifications undertaken after the first Class 70s weredelivered to Freightliner, but which were incorporated into the locomotivesordered by Colas as they were built – the distinguishing feature of thesemodifications being the air boxes mounted prominently on each side of the body,below the cooler fans.This Bachmann Branchline model captures the unique looks ofthe Class 70 to a tee and is adorned with numerous separately fitted detailparts, including dozens of metal handrails fitted around the cabs and to thebodyside panels. The vibrant livery really brings the model to life, thestriking tri-colour scheme is littered with logos and safety warnings, andwe’ve spared no expense in capturing this stunning livery and the myriadassociated printed details to bring this current day locomotive to your modelrailway. MODEL FEATURES:
    • Bachmann Branchline OO Scale
    • Era 9
    • Pristine Colas Rail Freight livery
    • Running No. 70811
    • Accessory Pack included fully decorated Bufferbeam Pipework
    • NEM Coupling Pockets
    • Sprung Buffers
    • Powerful 5 Pole Motor with Twin Flywheels
    • Detailed and Decorated Cab Interior with pre-fitted Driver in one cab
    • Directional Lighting
    • Interior Cab Lighting
    • DCC Ready (It is NOT DCC fitted)
    • Lighting can be controlled by chassis-mounted switches or via DCC (If you add a decoder)
    • Locomotive Ready to Accept a Speaker (If you wish to add sound)
    • Equipped with a 21 Pin DCC Decoder Socket
    • Length 288mm

    CLASS 70 HISTORYOn 26th November 2007, Freightliner UK and General Electricannounced Project Genesis, later re-named PowerHaul, to design and develop anew Co-Co freight locomotive for the British rail network – the Class 70.Construction of the first modules for the PowerHaul locomotives took place invarious locations across the world, for instance the bogie frames weremanufactured in Austria and delivered to the GE plant in Pennsylvania for finalassembly. The locomotive’s design is similar to that of the BR Class 58, with anarrow body bookended by two cabs which are accessed from walkways on thenarrow part of the body – similar to many American diesel locomotive designs.When introduced, the Class 70 dethroned the Class 59 ashaving the highest tractive effort of any Co-Co diesel operating in the UK.Designed to be powerful yet more fuel-efficient than older types, the Class 70has a top speed of 75mph (120 km/h), which the 129 tonne machine achieves fromits 2,750 kW (3,690 bhp) engine.The first Class 70s arrived in the UK in November 2009 aspart of Freightliner’s initial order for twenty locomotives. An option for afurther ten locomotives was not taken up by Freightliner, but instead ColasRail Freight took over this order and their first Class 70 entered service in2014. Colas subsequently ordered seven more locos, with all of the Colas fleetbeing numbered in the 708xx series.

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