Sapphire 179 Solder (Super Versatile)The solder that in combination with our Sapphire No CleanFlux, makes everyone an expert! Sapphire 179 solder is 0.6mm diameter solderwhich flows absolutely brilliantly. It is perfect for brass, copper, wiring,trackwork, soldering to nickel silver or steel and it even solders spring steeland to 300 and 400 series stainless steel when used with the right flux. It hasa very narrow melt range which makes dry joints a thing of the past. It has amultiple flux core to assist wetting and flow. Because it contains some silverit ts is a little more expensive than standard solders but we make no apologyfor that, as this specially formulated solder is simply the very best availableanywhere! Sapphire 179 used by many electronics experts and some of the worldsbest professional loco builders simply because it works better!Pack contents: Approx 3m