Wills Modern SSM300 Industrial/Retail Unit Base Kit – Plastic Kit


Product Description

OO GaugeWills Modern KitSSM300 Industrial/Retail Unit Base Kit – Plastic Kit Plastic Kit, Unpainted (Picture shows how the completed kit can look) Paint and glue are NOT supplied with this kit.  INDUSTRIAL/RETAIL UNIT BASE KITA truly versatile kit that can be made up in many differentformats. The door/window and shutter positions can be swapped around, or leftas blank wall. It is easy, for example, to place them in the unit ends, wherethe shutters could allow trains to enter to make the unit into an EMU/DMU/DieselDepot. This kit can be made up in full or half relief, and an extension kit(SSM315) is available to make it wider. Multiple kits can easily be joinedtogether to make a building that is limited only by your imagination. Suppliedwith pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism;glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 168mm x 168mm (Stand AloneFormat) or 336mm x 84mm (Half Relief Format)Technical Specification:

  • Length: Low Relief: 336 Stand Alone: 168mm
  • Width: Low Relief: 84 Stand Alone: 168mm


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